
A regional scale, showcase saline aquifer CO2 storage model from the North German Basin is presented, predicting the regional pressure impact of a small industrial scale CO2 storage operation on its surroundings. The intention of the model is to bridge the gap between generic and site-specific, studying the role of fluid flow boundary conditions and petrophysical parameters typically found in the North German Basin. The numerical simulation has been carried out using two different numerical simulators, whose results matched well. The most important system parameters proved to be the model’s hydrological boundary conditions, rock compressibility, and permeability. In open boundary aquifers, injection-induced overpressures dissipate back to hydrostatic level within a few years. If a geological flow barrier is present on at least one side of the aquifer, pressure dissipation is seriously retarded. In fully closed compartments, overpressures can never fully dissipate, but equilibrate to a compartment-wide remnant overpressure. At greater distances to the injection well, maximum fluid pressures are in the range of a few bar only, and reached several years to decades after the end of the actual injection period. This is important in terms of long-term safety and monitoring considerations. Regional pressure increase impacts the storage capacities of neighbouring sites within hydraulically connected units. It can be concluded that storage capacities may be seriously over- or underestimated when the focus is on a single individual storage site. It is thus necessary to assess the joint storage capacities and pressure limitations of potential sites within the same hydraulic unit.

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