
The unfavorable demographic situation in the Russian Federation determines need of developing medical, organizational and social technologies for preventing abortions because of non-medical reasons. The purpose of the study was to analyze consensus opinion of physicians about reasons women refusing to continue pregnancy, to establish directions of preventing abortions and to evaluate efficiency of the Municipal Competition "Life is sacred gift", the initiative of the All-Russian Program "Sanctity of Motherhood". The study applied such sociological technique as questionnaire survey of 20 obstetricians gynecologists about causes of miscarriage and main directions of prevention of abortion. The analysis was implemented of dynamics of rate of abortions during last 5 years before the introduction of innovative program of prevention of abortion with participation of physicians, psychologists, representatives of public and religious organizations in the form of the competition "Life is sacred gift" (2006-2010) and in program implementation (2012 -2016 GG.) Also were applied the concordance technique, the Fisher's angular transform and rank correlation. The consistency of opinions of physicians about place of lacking of knowledge about risks of abortion and reproductive health in woman decision making about abortion (W = 0.32; χ² = 44.8; p<0.001), about motivation of preserving pregnancy as the main focus on non-medical abortion prevention (W = 0.33; χ² = 33.3; p<0.001). The implementation of innovation program permitted to increase percentage of women who refused abortion from 3.3% to 17.5% (p<0.01), to reduce number of non-medical abortions from 37.9 to 16.9 per 100 births, and from 17,5 to 10.5 per 1000 women of fertile age (p<0.01). The implementation of innovative program increases effectiveness of standard interventions to prevent abortions.

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