
Humanism, in essence, came to existence for that direct religious message that fosters and focuses on human, humanity, and love. This means that humanism attempted to rescue that spiritual message which for the sake of man’s dignity, sacredness, and conservation of man’s life came to existence. Humanism is the complementarity of the essence and message of all religions regarding  co-existence and accepting one another. In the social discourse and life of Ezidies, Humanism is the reflection of beauty and natural laws that are set forth in the holy verses of Ezidies. This is indicative of the fact that Ezidies derive their love for others from nature which means that the nature and essence of all of us is the same. In different ways has humanism been  referred to as a fundamental principle for Ezidies and all people in the holy verses of Ezidies in order them to avoid hypocrisy, grudge, and injustice. In summary, Ezidy verses place emphasis on co-existence, justice, respect, man’s dignity, elimination of discrimination made on basis of differences in beliefs and ideologies. This has led the Ezidy individual to think merely of Humanism. &nbsp

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