
Abstract: This study analyzes the thoughts of Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im in Islamic law reform, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im, a Sudanese intellectual figure. The objective of this study is for discovering Naskh's thinking conceptually, as an object for Islamic law studies. This critical study emphasizes that it is a need to review the naskh principle, for an-Na'im, which lies in the requirement to treat the texts in the Quran relevantly to fillenough Islamic law reform in a modern context. By comprehending the naskh verses in the Koran as a form of delaying their implementation to the right time, He uses logic or paradigm reversed from the conventional naskh principles, by re-streamlining the principles of Islamic teachings contained in the verses in the Mecca phase, which in conventional naskh theory have stated by the Madaniyyah verses that came down later. For him, reversing the naskh process is an evolutionary principle of interpretation. The methods used are descriptive, hermeneutic, and phenomenological methods. In practical terms, his naskh thinking which is aimed at revitalizing the interpretation of Islamic teachings in the context of the modern world can be useful for its application for the benefits of the ummah in the renewal of Islamic law in Islamic legal reform.Keywords: reform, Islamic law, critical, Abdullahi Ahmed Na'in Abstrak: Kajian ini menganalisis pemikiran Abdullahi Ahmed an­-Na'im dalam reformasi hukum Islam, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im adalah salah seorang tokoh intelektual Sudan. Arah tujuan dalam kajian ini diarahkan untuk menguak pemikiran naskh secara konseptual, sebuah objek kajian yang diletakkan sebagai bagian dari kajian studi hukum Islam dalam pembahruan. Studi kritis ini menegaskan bahwa perlunya peninjauan kembali prinsip naskh, bagi an-Na'im yang terletak pada keharusan untuk memperlakukan teks-teks al-Quran secara relevan demi mewujudkan pembaruan hukum Islam yang memadai dalam konteks modern. Dengan memahami naskh ayat-ayat dalam al­-Quran sebagai suatu bentuk penundaan pelaksanaannya hingga waktu yang tepat, ia menggunakan logika atau paradigma terbalik dari prinsip naskh konvensional, yaitu dengan mengefektifkan kembali prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam yang terdapat pada ayat-ayat fase Makkah, yang dalam teori naskh konvensional dinyatakan telah oleh ayat­-ayat Madaniyyah yang turun belakangan. Baginya, membalikkan proses naskh merupakan prinsip interpretasi yang evolusioner. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, hermeneutika, dan fenomenologi. Secara praktis, bahwa pemikiran naskhnya yang ditujukan untuk merelevansikan penafsiran ajaran Islam dalam konteks dunia modem, dapat berguna penerapannya bagi kebaikan dan kemaslahatan umat dalam pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam reformasi hukum Islam.Kata kunci: reformasi, hukum Islam, kritis, Abdullahi Ahmed Na'in


  • Seen in a very modern development today in Islam, there is a principle of adapting to calls that are not absolute problems of cornering both in matters of thought, rules, politics, and so on.1 in the current era of globalization in the thought of handing back to Muslims in determining policies on legal issues against Muslims, among the policies in Islamic law, especially, honesty and trustworthiness

  • Without prejudice to the appreciation and appreciation that should be given to Islamic thinkers, namely Abdullahi Ahmed AnNa'im for his serious efforts to fight for human rights enforcement and seek support for sharia in that direction, and in offering a model of reform to eliminate or minimize the contradiction between both, and in constructing the new sharia formulations that modern society needs there are some unsolved notes that need to be discussed from this study

  • Human rights in the view of Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im can be directed to the issues put forward are servants, gender, and freedom of religion

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Seen in a very modern development today in Islam, there is a principle of adapting to calls that are not absolute problems of cornering both in matters of thought, rules (law), politics, and so on. in the current era of globalization in the thought of handing back to Muslims in determining policies on legal issues against Muslims, among the policies in Islamic law, especially, honesty and trustworthiness. There are many figures who support human rights, for example Aung San Suu Kyi, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Tuther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, as an international humanitarian activist who is an Islamic thinker, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im. His thinking in Islamic legal reform is a social reality in society. Contributions to Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im's Islamic legal thought cover a very broad range of circumstances, including marriage law, the issue of Islamic apostasy in Africa, the constitution, straf (criminal) law, law between nations, human rights to the state of secularism. Human rights in the attention of Abdullahi Ahmed anNa'im can be attached to very concerning matters such as slavery, gender, and various freedoms. In this study, the work of Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im is used with the title Deconstruction of Sharia, Islam and the Secular State and other supporting works in this paper

Phenomenology Method
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