
This article is devoted to the consideration of “red tourism” as an instrument of Chinese historical policy. The author analyzes the phenomenon of Chinese “red tourism”, which was launched in 2004, and under Xi Jinping turned into an instrument of ideological and patriotic education of people. “Red tourism” appeared only in the beginning. In the 2000s, however, its prehistory dates back to the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1990s, programs of patriotic education of young people were launched, which took place at important historical sites associated with the events of the first half of the twentieth century. This became the foundation for the emergence of “red tourism”. Full-scale development of the direction aimed at ideological education, economic income and development of the country's regions began after 2012. By 2019, the number of visits to places of «red tourism» has grown to 1.4 billion. Its routes provide an opportunity for Chinese citizens to get acquainted with the events of China's history, which are associated with the formation of the CPC, the civil and Sino-Japanese wars, the formation of the PRC. “Red tourism” takes place in the places of military glory and historical events of the CPC and the country (Beijing, Shaoshan, Shanghai, Yan'an, Ruijin, etc.), which gives travelers the opportunity to “touch” history. This direction is funded and supported by the party and the state, brings serious profits, gives impetus to the development of the related areas of China and is one of the popular destinations of domestic tourism. The author comes to the conclusion that the focus of “red tourism” on history and the connection with the collective memory of the past make it an instrument of the historical policy of modern China.

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