
Different lines of terrestrial biotic and abiotic evidence are used for large-scale climate reconstructions. To transform proxy data into climate parameter values, standardisation procedures are defined and described. As each type of biotic and abiotic proxy provides its own climate parameter a detailed climate reconstruction may be obtained. The ‘Multi-Proxy DataBase for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction’ is a specially designed computer database that facilitates data processing and management of Weichselian climate proxies. This paper describes the application of multi-proxy evidence to reconstruct the climate across lowland northwest and central Europe during the interval 41-38 BP. For this period the mean temperature of the warmest month is estimated at 10 to 11°C and the mean temperature of the coldest month ranges from −27 to −20°C. The annual range suggests a cold continental setting with an estimated mean annual temperature between −9 and −4°C. A north to south transition from (dis)continuous permafrost to seasonally frozen ground is suggested by periglacial evidence.

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