
The Real-Time Controller (RTC) for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Narrow Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS) is the software and server hardware that converts wavefront error measurements into wavefront corrector demands, at the heart of the laser guide star multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) or natural guide star adaptive optics (NGS AO). The RTC takes input from up to six Shack-Hartmann Laser Guide Star wavefront sensors (LGS WFS), one high-order Natural Guide Star Pyramid Wavefront Sensor (PWFS), up to three Shack-Hartmann On-Instrument wavefront sensors (OIWFS) that are located in the client science instruments, and up to 4 on-detector guide windows (ODGW) also in the client instruments. The RTC controls two deformable mirrors conjugated to 0km (DM0) and 11.8km (DM11). DM0 is mounted on a tip/tilt stage (TTS). During the final design phase we performed prototyping to verify that off-the-shelf servers using general purpose CPUs are able to support the maximum 800 Hz frequency at which the RTC is required to operate. We also considered methods to provide live data streams to a graphical user interface without impacting the AO system performance. This paper will discusses the outcome of the impact of jitter and latency on loop speed in our prototype and an overview of the RTC pipeline, including the many “knobs” that can be turned to fine-tune the behavior of NFIRAOS in different observing modes, and under different observing conditions.

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