
The lower limit of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS‐90) is 0.65 K. Below this limit, no internationally‐accepted scale existed before 2000 when the CIPM (Comité International des Poids et Mesures), following the CCT (Consultative Committee for Thermometry) recommendations, adopted the Provisional Low Temperature Scale of 2000 (PLTS‐2000 or T2000). This scale is based on the 3He melting curve and spans the range 0.9 mK to 1 K. BNM‐INM realized PLTS‐2000 throughout the range from 20 mK to 1 K by using absolute pressure measurements. BNM‐INM studied in detail the uncertainty in temperature measurements due to the absolute pressure measurements, in particular near the minimum of the melting curve. The paper presents the results and the uncertainty budget related to the practical realisation of T2000 at BNM‐INM.

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