
This study aimed to explore the reality of Blended learning implementation among upper elementary school teachers in the governorates of Bethlehem and Hebron. The descriptive approach was adopted, and a tool was developed to measure the reality of Blended learning implementation. The tool was applied to a stratified sample consisting of 23 male and 73 female teachers during the first semester of the academic year 2021/2022, representing 32% of the study population. The study results showed that the reality of Blended learning implementation among upper elementary school teachers in Bethlehem and Hebron governorates was moderate with a mean score of 3.27. The results also revealed differences in the mean scores of Blended learning implementation between Bethlehem and Hebron governorates, due to the gender variable in favor of males. Furthermore, differences were due to the training courses variable in favor of teachers who received training courses. The results indicated no differences in the mean scores of Blended learning implementation due to the variables of academic qualification, years of experience, and governorate. Based on the conclusions the researchers recommend; the study plan should contain the use of blended learning during the semester, and conduct training courses for teachers in order to develop their employment and use of blended learning, and equip schools with the necessary technological techniques to employ blended learning, and conduct more studies and research on blended learning on other variables and other educational environments.

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