
The shipping industry joins in asking for incentives the storm continues. Due to this pandemic, most customers delay payments, so that shipping cash flow is in deficit. Shipping is in a very tight situation and needs the right and fast stimulus from the government and all stakeholders. The method of taking secondary and primary data where primary data is data obtained directly through interviews with informants, while secondary data are company/institutional organization documents that can be published. So, the following description is a description of the existing conditions in the last two years, as an illustration of the actual conditions during the current pandemic. As primary data, it is carried out by distributing data filled in online using the free access google form application, which is distributed to a population of 8351 BPLPD alumni, to provide easy access to information on educational services and by providing a stimulus in the form of cashback on education fees/discounts on education rates and services carried out. Online or distance learning both registration, recruitment process and completion of education costs including the theoretical learning process which is carried out through a distance learning system/distance learning using social media and LMS/learning management system in the form of learning (e-learning) according to the educational curriculum that can followed by participants from home or anywhere as a solution and stimulus for training participants easily and without having to lose the opportunity to work on a ship by taking advantage of free time to study from anywhere according to the curriculum and schedule provided by the organizer because of education, as a solution to the limited interaction of the teaching and learning process during the pandemic as an adjustment to a new lifestyle or the New Normal Era as well as responding to the challenges of development in the era of digitalization.

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