
Value Sensitive Design (VSD) is the theoretical approach that applied to technology design, in particular for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The User Interface (UI) design is one of the concerns in HCI, being multidisciplinary, it ensures the user's satisfaction and perception of technology which follows during the development process. The VSD method takes human values in a comprehensive manner throughout three investigations called tripartite methodology, and the investigations applied as the techniques to investigate the requirements of the development from various stakeholders values. Since variations of stakeholders, VSD method follows the designers, direct and indirect stakeholders to take out required values into the development. In spite of the widely used VSD method undetermined the values that to be considered on design as designers, direct or indirect stakeholders. The argument considering the values has been researching since the concept applied to HCI design which indicates the method limitation. In this research considered two values, designers and stakeholders and the key concern to observe the effects and realism of the applications of VSD method into the design of user interface also reviewed earlier researches on the application of VSD. The analysis through the development of hospital management system interface to investigate whose values to be considered in the HCI design. Performed user survey based on two criteria that evaluates the variations of stakeholders values which effects on the user interface design that is the contribution of the research, and it enlightens the concept of values of VSD should considered in the future user interface design.

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