
The purpose of this study was to describe the readiness of Junior High School mathematics teachers in Yogyakarta in implementing Permendikbud no. 37 of 2018. This is because as a component as well as an executor of the curriculum, teachers need to be prepared to implement the new Permendikbud. The type of this research is a mix of quantitative and qualitative study using survey technique and interview. From the results of the questionnaire and interview sheet, data were obtained that most schools had syllabus, teacher manuals, student textbooks, assessment rubrics, and lesson plan for each Basic Competency. However, there are some schools that still lack in learning resources and learning media so it must be prepared by the teacher himself. In general, some teachers still have difficulties in several aspects when designing Lesson Plan based on The Core Competency and The Basic Competency set by the government i.e. in creating innovative learning media, in practicing various learning strategies and in carrying out holistic assessments. So, it can be concluded that there are still a number of Junior High School mathematics teachers who are not ready to implement Permendikbud no. 37 of 2018.

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