
We have studied the reaction of the (111) surface of β‐rhombohedral boron with O2 and with B2O3 using x‐ray photoelectron spectrosocpy (XPS) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The contrast between the XPS spectra of the boron surface after exposure to O2 and to B2O3 indicates that the rection with O2 yields little if any B2O3 on the surface. TPD experiments after exposing the boron surface to isotopically pure 10B2O3 indicate that the B2O3 reacts with the boron surface to prdouce B2O2 which is the dominant desorption product. In addition, both the B2O3 and B2O2 produce from the isotopically enriched 10B2O3 show substantial incorption of 11B from the substrate indicating that the molten B2O3 readily exchanges boron with the boron substrate.

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