
Energies and intensities have been measured of γ -rays produced in the 25 Mg( p, γ ) 26 Al reaction at six resonances in the region E p = 0.3 − 0.7 MeV. Thin enriched 25 Mg targets were bombarded with protons from a Cockroft-Walton generator, and γ -rays were detected with a scintillation spectrometer. The resulting pulse spectra were analyzed with a differential discriminator and photographed on an oscilloscope screen. The resonances investigated here could be assigned to 25 Mg by comparison with runs on enriched 24 Mg and 26 Mg targets. The 25 Mg resonances are found at 321, 395, 441, 501, 518, 580, 607, 667 and 688, all ± 15 keV. The 501 and 518 keV resonances could not be resolved completely, but they show almost identical γ -ray spectra. The resonances at 667 and 688 keV have not been investigated in detail. The six resonances investigated in detail show complicated γ -ray spectra, different from resonance to resonance. A list of γ -ray energies and intensities is given in Tables II and III. From absolute γ -ray yield measurements the radiation widths of all resonances (multiplied by a statistical factor) could be determined.

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