
The article examines the issues of remuneration of employees of the enterprises of the censorship industry of Siberia during the years of the NEP and the ratio of salaries of different categories of employees to workers' salaries, which allows us to identify the degree of income inequality between them, as well as to answer the question of how great was the differentiation of their financial situation, and not only in general, but also by individual industries. No less important is the question of trends in the dynamics of indicators of this differentiation in the very short period of the NEP, when approaches to state regulation of this important social process were formed. It is shown that, in general, during the period under review, the ratio of salaries of workers and employees at the enterprises of the censorship industry of the Siberian Territory was stable and at the same time differed greatly depending on the industry and the position of the employee. It is concluded that these differences were smaller than at the very beginning of the XX century. Despite the general equalizing trend in wage policy and the corresponding activity of trade unions, the economic need for the material interest of employees forced to maintain a certain level of wage inequality, and in some employees even slightly increase it.

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