
In this paper, we tackle the problem of designing a random mobility model generating a target node spatial distribution. More specifically, we solve a long standing open problem by presenting two versions of the well-known random waypoint (RWP) mobility model in bounded regions generating a uniform steady-state node spatial distribution. In the first version, named temporal-RWP, we exploit the temporal dimension of node mobility and achieve uniformity by continuously changing the speed of a mobile node as a function of its location and of the density function of trajectories in the movement region R. In the second version, named spatial-RWP, we instead exploit the spatial dimension and achieve uniformity by selecting waypoints according to a suitably defined mix of probability density functions. Both proposed models can be easily incorporated in wireless network simulators, and are thus of practical use. The RWP models presented in this paper allow for the first time completely removing the well-known border effect causing possible inaccuracies in mobile network simulation, thus completing the picture of a “perfect” simulation methodology drawn in existing literature.

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