
Quran lays emphasis on the economic welfare of humanity. Allah Almighty decreed rulers work for the welfare of individuals. Muslims have been asked at many places in Holy Quran to help their needy poor fellow so that the people in society continue to help each other, class difference may not come into existence and no one in society is left needy. Quranic concept of economic welfare lays stress on that kind of economic prosperity in which the people of society are spiritually and mentally calm and satisfied. It educates individuals in a way that may help them succeed in both worlds. Quranic teachings on the circulation of wealth make welfare a phenomenon common to all classes of society, so that clashes between different classes of society may be avoided. A Muslim also purifies his soul from all kinds of impurities with the help of Infaq fi Sabil-il-Allah and may hope to seek the reward of this the hereafter. Allah Almighty commands to build the structure of economic growth on the foundation of best morals. Allah Almighty declares clearly in Holy Quran that nations or Individual would be punished when they violate His commands. To work for attaining worldly benefits, without violating the rules of Shariah is a collective as well as an individual responsibility. The purpose of this research paper is to highlight the importance of the Quranic concept of economic welfare in the present era. The research paper follows a descriptive and analytical approach.

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