
THE Quick Number Test (QNT) was developed to augment the Quick Word Test (QWT) (3), a po w e r test in the area of verbal abilities. The QWT cor related highly with other verbal tests and with the verbal components of tests such as the WTechsler Bellevue and the Otis. The QWT also correlates well with total scores, and thus can be used as an economical estimate for these. The QWT test is particularly useful for screening purposes, since it generally can be completed in a short time. It can be administered routinely in many situations, avoid ing the problem of extensive testing when there is very little time available, or the problem of using a lot of time when a battery of other tests is to be uti lized. The 10 to 20 minutes required, depending up on the form and the population makes the QWT eco nomical and often practical. Users have suggested that a companion test in the numerical area would be very helpful. Thus, the development of the QNT was undertaken.

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