
It took 10 years from the moment the last case of malaria was reported to the moment the United Arab Emirates (UAE) received certification earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) that it was finally free of the debilitating disease. Eliminating malaria means stamping out endemic cases or those due to local mosquito-borne transmission and maintaining this situation for at least three consecutive years. UAE became the first country to be certified in this way in January since Singapore in 1981 and Australia in 1982. UAE with a population of 4.5 million is one of several countries that have eliminated malaria in the Eastern Mediterranean region - seen as vital for public health business and tourism - though not all have official malaria-free status. The tiny states efforts have set a trend. Certification for malaria-free status is a competitive process and I expect all malaria-free countries [in the region] will do the same said Dr Hoda Atta regional malaria advisor at WHOs Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) based in Cairo. (excerpt)

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