
SUMMARYExperimental studies of renal blood flow have been made with radio‐Hippuran I125using isolated perfused canine kidneys. These studies were made in two groups. First, the renogram curve was analysed by applying theoretical equations and it was shown that quantitative values could be obtained for the effective renal blood flow. In the second group of experiments the analysis of the rate of disappearance of the isotope from the blood showed a definite relationship with directly measured renal blood flow, but this could not be resolved into a quantitative value.The authors' thanks are due to Professor Ralph Shackman for his encouragement and guidance in this work, to Mr E. Gains and his technical staff for their help, to the Department of Photography and Medical Illustration of the Post‐graduate School for their assistance in drawing of the charts, and to Mr Ole Kalnaes, Radiofysisk laboratorium, Arhus Kommunehospital, for his help with mathematical equations.The expenses incurred in these experiments were defrayed by a grant to one of us (A. E. K.) from the Medical Research Council.

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