
The aim of the study was development of the method for preoperative quantitative evaluation of pyramidal tract and tumor relationship in malignant intracerebral tumors.Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis of 62 patients underwent surgery at the Department of Neurosurgery of Privolzhsky Research Medical University in 2017–2019, was performed. The patients were divide in 3 groups: metastatic brain tumor (n = 16); contrast-enhanced gliomas (grade III–IV); contrast-nonenhanced gliomas (grade II–III). The following protocol was implemented for all patients: preoperative DTI-tractography; intraoperative direct subcortical electrical stimulation with fixation of the minimum current intensity at receiving the motor response; pre- and postoperative motor function assessment using MRC-scale. Tract Involvement Index (TII) based on the ratio of the perimeter of the part of the tract involvement in pathological MRI-signal to its cross-section area was calculated using image processing of preoperative MRI and MRI-tractography data.Results. The association between TII values (from 0 to 1.75) and the severity of pre-operative paresis was demonstrated. We have discovered that the greater value of the pyramidal TII was corresponded to the greater severity of the paresis in MRC (p <0.001, n = 62). The analysis of TII values and intraoperative motor direct subcortical mapping results showed an increase in risk of contact with a tract at higher TII value (B0 = −1.6; Bi = 6.61; χ2 = 30.53; n = 62, p <0.001). The TII demonstrates better prognostic value in patients without radiation therapy in anamnesis.Conclusions. The method for preoperative quantitative evaluation of pyramidal tract and tumor relationship using TII calculation can provide additional information for planning surgical treatment in patients with intracerebral tumors without radiation treatment in the history.


  • ФГБОУ ВО «Приволжский исследовательский медицинский университет» Минздрава России; Россия, 603155 Нижний Новгород, ул

  • The patients were divide in 3 groups: metastatic brain tumor (n = 16); contrast-enhanced gliomas; contrast-nonenhanced gliomas

  • The following protocol was implemented for all patients: preoperative DTI-tractography; intraoperative direct subcortical electrical stimulation with fixation of the minimum current intensity at receiving the motor response; pre- and postoperative motor function assessment using MRC-scale

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Оригинальная работа

Количественная оценка степени вовлеченности пирамидного тракта при внутримозговых опухолях. Цель исследования – разработать метод количественной оценки степени вовлеченности пирамидного тракта при злокачественных внутримозговых опухолях. The method for preoperative quantitative evaluation of pyramidal tract and tumor relationship using TII calculation can provide additional information for planning surgical treatment in patients with intracerebral tumors without radiation treatment in the history. For citation: Ermolaev A.Yu., Kravets L.Ya., Klyuev E.A. et al The quantitative evaluation of cortico-spinal tract involvement in malignant intracerebral tumors Neyrokhirurgiya = Russian Journal of Neurosurgery 2021;23(1):. Цель исследования – разработать метод количественной оценки степени вовлечения пирамидного тракта при злокачественных внутримозговых опухолях на основании ДТ-трактографии с применением новых критериев, а также создать и апробировать программу для частичной автоматизации расчетов.

Гистологический подтип Histological subtype
Functional tract
Группа Group
Оригинальная работа г д
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