
Abstract: Visum et Repertum is a written statement made by a doctor, at the request of an investigator together with the authority to contain the results of medical examinations of humans, including living or dead victims. So far, no research has been conducted on the quality of Visum et Repertum for injuries at the General Hospital (RSU) of Dr. F. L. Tobing, Sibolga. The formulation of the problem in this study is What is the quality of Visum et Repertum of live victims of injury cases at RSU Dr. F. L. Tobing Sibolga in This study is a descriptive study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all Visum et Repetum data at dr. F. L. Tobing Sibolga in 2018. The research sample was obtained by using total sampling method. Visum et Repertum collected, recorded and tabulated with the type of variable to be examined based on Herkutanto scoring. Based on the results of this study, it was obtained: The number of wounded cases with live victims examined by doctors in charge of the emergency department was 62 cases. The quality of the Visum et Repertum for the injured victims in the introduction is 100% which means good quality, in the News section is 33% which means medium quality, in the conclusion is 50%, which means that the quality is medium. And the quality of Visum et Repertum injuries to live victims was 59.2%, which means that it was of moderate quality. Based on the results of this study, It is suggested that the RSU Dr. F.L. Tobing, Sibolga make standards and guidances in making Visum et Repertum, especially Visum et Repertum for live victims of injury cases that meet good Visum et Repertum standards.

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