
Background: The introduction of Federal state standards of higher education has caused the need to study the quality and condition of specialists postgraduate training in the field of health. In 20172019 at St. Petersburg state pediatric medical university a study aimed at examining the satisfaction of residents with educational training at the faculty of postgraduate and additional professional education was hold, the results of which allowed to identify the problem areas of training in order to further adjust the content and organizational aspects of the quality of training of highly qualified specialists in the field of health protection of citizens of Russia.
 Aims: The estimation of the quality of postgraduate training of specialists in the field of health care based on the pedagogical reflection of their satisfaction with the process of training during the residency.
 Methods: The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire consisting of a number of questions stated in the form of appeals aimed at obtaining information illustrating the content, organizational, operational and personal resources of postgraduate education of residents. The respondents were asked to rank their responses according to their satisfaction with the quality of education on the scale that ranged from excellent to very poor. The object of the study was 125 graduates completed their professional training at the stage of postgraduate education in residency at various clinical departments. The duration of the study, including the preparation of analytical materials, the organization, and conduct of the survey, the subsequent analysis of the data, totally amounted to two years. The analysis of the survey results allowed to identify the targets of possible correction of informative, organizational, operational and personal aspects of postgraduate training of doctors.
 Results: The participants of the study were 125 respondents-resident physicians who completed the educational trajectory in various areas of professional training on the basis of clinical departments of pediatric medical university. It should be noted that the distribution of participants in the questionnaire by graduate clinical departments was characterized as uneven, due to the peculiarities of the plan of admission to the residency, social order from the health care institutions of Russia, and finally, individual educational needs and needs of students. The average age of residents is 26 years. As a result of the study, it was possible to identify informative, organizational and personal problem areas of training of residents. In particular, there were problems in the content of professional education, in the level of pedagogical skills of the teaching staff of clinical departments, in the development of professional competencies of residents, in the content of test tasks in certain specialties. Due to the factor analysis of the results, a semantic space was built that reflects the analysis of the satisfaction of graduates of Spbsmu with the quality of training at the stage of residency.
 Conclusions: Based on the results of the study, it was possible to identify the targets of correctional work, involving the improvement of organizational, informative, technological and personal resources of the educational program of postgraduate training of residents.

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