
Designing and the manufacture of competitive engineering requires the analysis of development prospects for devices created. The solution of this problem is connected to the analysis of large databases, where the information on devices of the considered class and close to it classes are stored. The application of formal methods for the information analysis promotes increase of productivity of designers' labour in early designing stages. As it is known from the evolution theory, the value of the information is determined by its use. In this connection the software made for the analysis of design databases enables to make the information use more effective and also to receive new knowledge. In the paper the analysis of an evolution of pneumatic vibration isolators with use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is considered. A number of the perspective technical decisions created in different moments of time was analysed on the set of quality criteria being incorporated in the hierarchy. The purpose of the analysis was formulated as follows: “To reveal the most perspective devices for perfection”. The second hierarchy level contains the following criteria groups: functional, layout, technological, economic, innovative. At the third level there are criteria connected with the appropriate functional groups. They are: vibroisolation quality, reliability, cost, operational expenses, complexity, adaptability to manufacture, patentability, competitiveness, spatial orientation, opportunity for setting-up different frequencies, compactness. The marginal analysis for criteria has revealed criteria and groups important for perfection of pneumatic vibration isolators. These criteria are: quality of a vibration damping; spatial orientation; adaptability to manufacture; opportunity for setting-up different frequencies; the complexity and the operational expenses. The most important groups for development are functional criteria, layout criteria and innovation criteria. We have considered above 500 patents of USSR on pneumatic vibration isolators. This information was processed with use of the decision-making software. In result 6 the most perspective devices created in different moments of time were chosen. The expert estimation of quality for these devices was made by a pair comparison method on quality criteria mentioned above. On the basis of calculated priorities for alternatives the following tendencies of criteria estimations changes in time are established: • Improvement of the vibroisolation quality. • Improvement of layout properties. • Deterioration of economic parameters. Thus the results of the marginal analysis for criteria have been completely proved at the analysis of evolution of the systems examined. The outcomes reveal criteria groups exerting the most influence on the development of systems examined, and also criteria being more important for further perfection. In this case the best prospects for development have devices with good parameters of functional properties and layout. Their perfection is connected with the improvement of economic and technological parameters.

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