
A definitive meaning for the notion of Qi is elusive. Theoretical explanations range from the rational physiologic to the subtle energetic, from the tautological to the Tao. In this article, the author suggests a practical approach that frames the concept contextually, illustrating differences with three case-histories. The cases were as follows. A 74-year-old man had low back, left-hip and lateral left-leg pain. Acupuncture addressed his anatomical/structural issues. A 58-year-old woman had left upper-chest discomfort, restricted left-shoulder movement and periodic left frontal headaches and dry eyes. Acupuncture addressed her Etheric body. A 40-year-old woman had headaches and depression associated with grief over family losses. She visited a clinic and met a former patient there with whom she bonded. Acupuncture addressed her emotional state and she experienced subsequent phenomena that enabled her to release her grief. All 3 patients experienced resolution of their symptoms, with the exception of the woman's dry eyes in Case 2. Qi-nature can vary among gross, subtle, and causal levels. These levels can coexist and overlap during treatments of patients. This tripartite explanation may represent the Oriental pictograms better and be consistent with the philosophical root of Chinese Medicine-the Tao.

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