
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION 1. The Origin and Purpose of Mark's Gospel in New Testament Scholarship a. The So-Called 'Traditional' View on the Origin and Purpose of Mark's Gospel b. The Form-Critical View on Mark's Gospel c. The Origin and Purpose of Mark's Gospel from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century d. The Purpose of Mark's Gospel and the Discussion about the Gospel's Genre 2. The Aims and Premises of the Present Study PART ONE: THE SITUATION OF MARK'S READERS CHAPTER 1. THE PERSECUTION OF THE MARKAN CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Introduction 1. Mk 4:17 2. Mk 8:34-35 3. Mk 10:29-30 4. Mk 13:9-13 Conclusions CHAPTER 2. THE DATE OF MARK'S GOSPEL AND ITS PLACE OF ORIGIN Introduction 1. The Early Tradition on the Origin of Mark's Gospel 2. The Date of Mark's Gospel 3.The Place Where Mark's Gospel was written Conclusions CHAPTER 3. JEWISH LEADERS INVOLVED IN THE PERSECUTION OF FELLOW-JEWS IN THE FIRST CENTURY AD Introduction 1. The Works of Flavius Josephus 2. The Position of the Jewish Leading Class in Palestine during the Second Half of the First Century AD 3. The Persecution of Jewish Rebellious or Religious Groups by the Jewish Authorities 4. The Persecution of the Markan Christian Community in Post-War Galilee Conclusions EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS. THE SITUATION OF THE MARKAN CHRISTIANS PART TWO: THE MESSAGE OF MARK'S GOSPEL CHAPTER 4. THE ISSUES OF JESUS' AUTHORITY AND IDEN--TITY IN MARK'S GOSPEL Introduction 1. The Issue of Jesus' Authority in Mark's Gospel 2. The Issue of Jesus' Identity in Mark's Gospel a. The Question of Jesus' Identity in Mk 1:1-8:30 b. Mark's Interpretation of Jesus as the Christ in Mk 8:31-10:45 c. Mark's Interpretation of Jesus as the Inaugurator of God's Kingdom in Mk 10:46-13:37 d. Mark's Rejection of the Interpretation of Jesus as 'King of the Jews' in Mk 14-15 Conclusions CHAPTER 5. JESUS' COMMANDS TO SILENCE IN MARK'S GOSPEL Introduction 1. Wrede's Theory of the 'Messianic Secret' 2. Jesus' Effort to hide his Identity as the Christ 3. Jesus' Commands to keep Silent about his Miraculous Healings Conclusions CHAPTER 6. JESUS' DEATH IN MARK'S GOSPEL Introduction 1. The Reason for Jesus' Crucifixion in Mark's Gospel 2. Mark's Depiction of Jesus as a Suffering Righteous One Conclusions EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS. THE MESSAGE OF MARK'S GOSPEL AS A REACTION TO THE SITUATION OF THE MARKAN CHRISTIANS PART THREE: TOWARDS A CHARACTERIZATION OF MARK'S GOSPEL CHAPTER 7. MARK'S GOSPEL AS A LITERARY WORK Introduction 1. Mark's Authorial Aim and his Choice of a Biographical Form 2. Is Mark's Gospel to be characterized as an Ancient Biography? 3. Towards an Alternative Characterization of Mark's Gospel Conclusions GENERAL CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX LOCORUM INDEX AUCTORUM INDEX RERUM

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