
Abstract On March 29th 2019, the United Kingdom (UK) was due to exit the EU in a process known informally as ’Brexit’. This exit and entry into a 2-year transition is a period of unprecedented political and social upheaval - with many unknowns and much uncertainty attached to the outcomes and future impact. In preparation for Brexit, Public Health Wales commissioned the Wales HIA Support Unit to carry out a health impact assessment of Brexit in Wales to support and inform its and other public bodies planning and future work. This paper examines the unique HIA carried out between July and December 2018 on the impact of the UK withdrawal from the EU in Wales. It discusses the robust, participatory process undertaken, the stakeholders involved and the benefits reaped from this. It highlights the evidence gathered and analysed including the collection methods, the complex nature of the work and disseminates the main findings from the HIA including the potential determinants of health and population groups identified. Finally, it describes the challenges faced, how these were overcome, and the huge benefits, impact and influence it has had to date across a wide range of UK and Welsh organisations and public bodies. This work demonstrates continued leadership in the field of impact assessment and spearheads the requirement for public bodies to carry out HIAs as part of the forthcoming statutory requirements of the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 an can inform practice at a global level. Key messages HIA can inform and influence action in response to important strategic decisions. The Brexit HIA is a unique example which can inform international HIA practice.

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