
Observers saw an event in which a computer-animated square moved up to and made contact with another, which after a short delay moved off, its motion appearing to be caused by launch by the first square. Observers chose whether the second (launched) square was faster in this causal event than when presented following a long delay (non-causal event). The speed of the second object in causal events was overestimated for a wide range of speeds of the first object (launcher), but accurately assessed in non-causal events. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that overestimation occurred also in other causal displays in which the trajectories were overlapping, successive, spatially separated or inverted but did not occurred with consecutive speeds that did not produce causal percepts. We also found that if the first object in a causal event was faster, then Weber’s law holds and overestimation of the launched object speed was proportional to the speed of the launcher. In contrast, if the second object was faster, overestimation was constant, i.e. independent of the launcher. We propose that the particular speed integration of causal display results in overestimation and that the way overestimation depends on V1 phenomenally affects the attribution of the source of V2 motion: either in V1 (in launching) or in V2 (in triggering).

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