
Abstract. The construct of systemizing – the drive to construct or understand systems – has an important role in the Extreme Male Brain theory of autism. While a brief version of the Systemizing Quotient (SQ) has been proposed, there is a need to assess its psychometric properties. This study assessed factorial and construct validity of an 8-item version of the SQ on a sample of 627 participants. A single-factor latent variable model with a single correlated error term showed adequate fit in a confirmatory factor analysis. This model also demonstrated metric invariance across genders when controlling for an effect of age on item responses. Reliability was acceptable, α = .72. As further evidence for construct validity, SQ scores showed expected relationships with mental rotation performance, trait anxiety, childhood extroversion, childhood agreeableness, and gender. Overall, the results indicated good psychometric properties for the brief version of the SQ, suggesting that this scale could be useful when researchers require a systemizing measure that is minimally burdensome to complete.

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