
The aim of the study was to verify the psychometric characteristics of assessment of the indicators of school performance in the light of redressing skills of high school students in the Taif Government. And to achieve aims of that study, the descriptive analysis was used. The sample size was 542 of high school students, they were selected by stratified random sampling. The researcher prepared a scale that included 48 sections, and the scale was verified by using factor analysis 'exploratory and confirmatory ones', and measurement of validity of internal consistency 'Construct validity' by using Pearson correlation coefficient, the scale reliability was verified by using Cronbach Alpha coefficient and test- retest coefficient. Also, Independent samples T- test was used to find the differences according to the specialization variable. The study showed the availability of validity indications of the scale of indicators of school performance in the light of redressing skills of high school students in the Taif Government, through the face validity and validity of internal consistency 'Construct validity'. In addition to, discriminant validity and construct validity, by using factor analysis of principal factors. The reliability of the scale was verified and the scale was characterized by good and acceptable reliability coefficients, as the test- retest reliability coefficient = 0.85, while reliability coefficient of internal consistency according to Cronbach Alpha equation = 0.89 for the entire scale. The results showed presence of statically significant differences in the total score and all the aspects of the scale of indicators of school performance in the light of redressing skills of high school students in the Taif Government due to differences in specializations of sample size, and the differences were prejudiced in favor of students of scientific specialization. According to the results of the study, the researcher recommended using the scale of indicators of school performance in the light of redressing skills of high school students in the Taif Government as it's characterized by good validity and reliability indications.

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