
List of Contributors. Introduction: The Psychological Study of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations in Prosocial Behavior: Past, Present, Future ( Stefan Sturmer and Mark Snyder ). Part I: Motivations for Helping In-group and Out-group Members. 1 The Tribal Instinct Hypothesis: Evolution and the Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations ( Mark Van Vugt and Justin H. Park ). 2 Helping Us versus Them: Towards a Group-Level Theory of Helping and Altruism Within and Across Group Boundaries ( Stefan Sturmer and Mark Snyder ). 3 Stigmas and Pro-Social Behavior: Are People Reluctant to Help Stigmatized Persons? ( John B. Pryor, Glenn D. Reeder, Andrew E. Monroe, and Arati Patel ). 4 The strategic side of out-group helping ( Esther van Leeuwen and Susanne Tauber ). Part II: Consequences of Giving or Receiving Help in the Context of Groups. 5 Discrimination Against Out-group Members in Helping Situations ( Donald A. Saucier, Jessica L. McManus, and Sara J. Smith ). 6 Receiving Help: Consequences for the Recipient ( Samer Halabi and Arie Nadler ). 7 Turning to Others in Times of Change: Social Identity and Coping with Stress ( Jolanda Jetten, S. Alexander Haslam, Aarti Iyer, and Catherine Haslam ). 8 Volunteering Across the Life Span: Doing Well by Doing Good ( Jane Allyn Piliavin ). Part III: Intervention Strategies: Targeting Individuals, Groups and Organizations. 9 Perspective Taking and Intergroup Helping ( Mark H. Davis and Angela T. Maitner ). 10 Recategorization and Prosocial Behavior: Common Ingroup Identity and a Dual Identity ( John F. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner, Nurit Shnabel, Tamar Saguy, and James Johnson ). 11 Groups, Identities and Bystander Behavior: How Group Processes Can Be Used to Promote Helping ( Mark Levine and Clare Cassidy ). 12 Influences of Psychological Sense of Community on Voluntary Helping and Prosocial Action ( Allen M. Omoto and Mark Snyder ). 13 Empowering the Volunteer Organization: What Volunteer Organizations can do to Recruit, Content, and Retain Volunteers ( Naomi Ellemers and Edwin J. Boezeman ). Part IV: The Broader Picture: Political and Societal Implications. 14 Interpersonal and Intergroup Helping Relations as Power Relations: Implications for Real-world Helping ( Arie Nadler ). 15 Beyond Help: A Social Psychology of Collective Solidarity and Social Cohesion ( Stephen Reicher and S. Alexander Haslam ). 16 Cross-group Helping: Perspectives on Why and Why Not ( Stephen C. Wright and Norann T. Richard ). 17 Helping Disadvantaged Out-Groups Challenge Unjust Inequality: The Role of Group-Based Emotions ( Aarti Iyer and Colin Wayne Leach ). References. List of Tables. List of Figures. Author Index. Subject Index.

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