
Objective: to define the specific features of the psychological status of patients with acute mandibular injury, to compare a psychological reaction to injury in different age groups and in persons with signs of alcohol addiction. Subjects and methods. The study enrolled 37 patients of both sexes over 15 years of age. The patients were distributed by age and chronic alcohol intoxication. Psychological parameters were determined using personality questionnaires: Spielberg-Hanin, Zung, GHQ-28, and Wein ones. Results. The patients with mandibular injury were found to have higher levels of situational and personality anxiety. A state of depression as a response to acute mandibular injury of reactive genesis was found in 29.8% of cases. Autonomic dysfunction occurred in 62.2% of the patients with mandibular fractures. Occult pathopsychological states were detected in 35.1% of the study group patients. Conclusion. The main found peculiarities of the psychological status of the patients with acute mandibular injury were high anxiety and the considerable incidence of autonomic dysfunction syndrome. There were no great age differences in psychological status and the direction of reactions. The patients with chronic alcohol intoxication more frequently developed a depressive state, but the autonomic dysfunction syndrome was just less often encountered and pathopsychological states were less frequently found. Key words: acute low anxiety depression alcohol abuse, psychological status.


  • Цель исследования — определение особенностей психологического состояния пациентов с острой травмой нижней челюс ти; сравнение психологической реакции на травму в различных возрастных группах и у лиц с признаками алкогольной зави симости

  • Наличие скрытых патопсихологических состояний среди больных исследуемой группы выявлено в 35,1% случаев

  • The patients were distributed by age and chronic alcohol intox ication

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The Psychological Status of Patients with Acute Mandibular Injury

Цель исследования — определение особенностей психологического состояния пациентов с острой травмой нижней челюс ти; сравнение психологической реакции на травму в различных возрастных группах и у лиц с признаками алкогольной зави симости. Основными выявленными особенностями психологического статуса больных с острой травмой нижней челюсти являлись — наличие вы сокого уровня тревожности и значительная частота встречаемости синдрома вегетативной дисфункции. Objective: to define the specific features of the psychological status of patients with acute mandibular injury, to compare a psy chological reaction to injury in different age groups and in persons with signs of alcohol addiction. The main found peculiarities of the psychological status of the patients with acute mandibular injury were high anxiety and the considerable incidence of autonomic dysfunction syndrome. Целью настоящего иссле дования являлось определение особенностей психоло гического состояния и направленности психологичес ких реакций у больных с переломами нижней челюсти, обусловленные острой травмой. Изучение внутригрупповых различий психоло гического статуса, связанных с возрастом и сопутствую щей хронической алкогольной интоксикацией (ХАИ)

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