
<p>本研究旨在探討輕度確診者之心理反應,並了解其心理韌性之因應。本研究在2022年台灣疫情甫剛擴散,民眾對於染疫抱持不同心情,本研究從關懷民眾身心健康,以及預防教育地觀點下,採用質性研究方法,邀請願意參與研究4位研究對象,進行半結構訪談,將訪談結果予以分析整理。COVID-19輕度患者在確診後的反應有9類:害怕污名不想聲張、懷疑困惑、驚訝與驚慌、否認、擔心、被指責的無奈、內疚、接受、躬逢其盛地跟上流行等。其發揮心理韌性所使用的積極因應有三大類:第一是個人因素:坦誠面對、設定目標與堅持決心。第二資源因素包括:家庭韌性、社會支持、數位能力等重要資源,第三是正面思考力:避免過多思考與訊息、感恩心、保持幽默、平常心、重新框架、獨處能力、保持彈性等7種因應方式。本研究分析輕症確診者的心理反應與韌性的因素,有助於民眾在後疫情時代更加了解常見的情緒反應,有助於個人心理適應,並進一步採用積極因應方式,促進全民疫情下的心理韌性與身心健康。</p> <p> </p><p>This study aims to explore the psychological responses of mildly confirmed COVID-19 patients and understand their coping mechanisms in terms of psychological resilience. Conducted in Taiwan in 2022, when the epidemic was initially spreading, this research takes a perspective that emphasizes caring for the mental and physical well-being of individuals and preventive education. A qualitative research approach was employed, and four participants who were willing to take part in the study were invited for semi-structured interviews. The interview results were analyzed and organized for further examination. Result: Nine (9) marked responses of people diagnosed with mild COVID-19 condition are: fear of stigmatization; suspicion and confusion; shock and panic; denial; concern; helplessness of blame; guilt; acceptance; being fashionable. Their adaptation and resilience coping with the condition manifest in three domains: First—Personal factor: radical acceptance and determination to get through challenges; Second—Resource factor: critical resources such as family resilience, societal support, and digital competency; Third—Positive Thinking factor: seven (7) coping competency: avoiding rumination and information overload; gratitude; humor; serenity; reframing; comfort in being alone.</p> <p> </p>

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