
This paper examines how Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1860-1935) depicts the effects of isolation, physical and psychological, on the heroine in her story "The Yellow Wallpaper"(1892). By using the first person narration which is a subjective style of writing, the writer reveals the thoughts and feelings of the narrator as she tries to fight against psychological pressures which she could not cope with. Furthermore, the paper examines the reasons which lead to the woman's breakdown, mainly her isolation from people, her need for communication and the way of treatment she receives from her husband. Her domineering husband looks upon her as a weak and an inferior person. He deprives her of practicing any activity. As the narrator is forced to withdraw from society, she looks for something to occupy her mind with. Gradually, she becomes interested in the yellow wallpaper. She stares at the pattern and finally decides that it represents a woman trapped behind the bars. She begins to peel the paper off the walls to liberate the woman. The writer describes the different stages of the woman's deterioration, exposing the different factors which contribute and lead to her madness. Meanwhile, she gives a message warning women of the results when they do not fight back to assert their individuality. Therefore, the story's value lies in the fact that the writer presents this Timeless subject.


  • This paper examines how Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1860-1935) depicts the effects of isolation, physical and psychological, on the heroine in her story "The Yellow Wallpaper"(1892)

  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper”, which was first published in the January 1892, is considered as a representation of the dilemma of a woman who is fighting against the psychological pressures which aim at eliminating her role in life

  • The writer depicts subtly the different stages of the woman's deterioration which lead to her final breakdown

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This paper examines how Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1860-1935) depicts the effects of isolation, physical and psychological, on the heroine in her story "The Yellow Wallpaper"(1892). ‫) لتأثير العزلة النفسية والجسدية عمى بطمة‬0321-0681( ‫يتناول البحث كيفية تصوير الكاتبة شارلوت بيركنز كممان‬ ‫) واستخدمت الكاتبة اسموب رواية القصة من خلال بطمتها لجعل البطمة تكشف عن‬0631( "‫قصتها "ورق الجد ارن الاصفر‬ ‫ ويتناول البحث فضلاا عن ذلك الاسباب‬.‫افكارها ومشاعرها ومحاولاتها الوقوف امام الضغوط النفسية التي لم تستطع مواجهتها‬ ‫ فزوجها المتسمط‬,‫التي ادت الى انهيار البطمة وخاصة عزلتها عن الناس وحاجتها الى التواصل واسموب تعامل زوجها معها‬

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