
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis and identify differences in the system of value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. The subject of the study: the features of the value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. Research methods: 1. Theoretical: analysis of psychological literature on the problem of research. 2. Empirical: testing. Research methods: "Life-meaning orientations", D. Crambo and L. Maholika; "Diagnostics of the real structure of value orientations of personality" S. S. Bubnov; "Value orientations", M. Rokich. Methods of mathematical statistics: Mann-Whitney U-test. The differences in the value orientations of indigenous students and indigenous students are expressed in the following: 1.Attitude to life, to oneself and other people: the attitude to life of indigenous students has a meaningful and conscious character. In relation to the shortcomings in themselves and other people, they are strict. The process of life for ethnic migrant students is characterized as uninteresting and unfilled with meaning. They doubt the possibility of independent control of the events of their own lives. For ethnic migrant students, altruism is significant, which is expressed in the significance of the values of "Help and mercy to other people", "Happiness of others". 2. Indigenous students are focused on a happy family life as one of the significant values. Ethnic migrant students are more focused on culture and compliance with the rules and norms of behavior adopted in the society, which is reflected in the value of "Education". But at the same time, the value of self-affirmation is significant for them.

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