
The ‘homosexual component’ falls later a victim to repression; only a minor part of this component gets rescued in a sublimated form in the cultivated life of adults, in playing, in readiness for social help, in friendship leagues, in club life, etc., a part that is not to be under-estimated. A newer point of view, which renders easier the understanding of homosexuality, we owe to Sadger and Freud. Sadger discovered in the psychoanalysis of several male homosexuals that intense heterosexual inclinations had been displayed in their early childhood; indeed that their ‘Oedipus complex’ had come to expression in a specially pronounced manner. In the light of psychoanalysis, therefore, the active homoerotic act appears as subsequent obedience, which—taking the parental interdiction literally—really avoids intercourse with women, but indulges the forbidden heteroerotic desires in unconscious phantasies.

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