
This study analyzes digital evidence in the judicial process. The application of information technology (e-government) is a must for state administrators, both the judiciary, the legislature, especially the executive. In resolving state administrative disputes, digital evidence is also often used. This requires judges to have the ability to examine and analyze a case that has a digital element. Preparation of the Supreme Court to respond to developments in digitalization of electronic services (e-government), namely the Supreme Court has issued PERMA Number 1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Administration of Cases and Trials in Courts. This time, the E-Court is a form of the Supreme Court's seriousness in reforming the Supreme Court in the field of information technology in the justice system. Efforts that can be made by Administrative Court Judges in the digital era, Administrative Judges must pay attention to the e-government system as a whole, for example Online Single Submission (OSS) licensing, because licensing now involves an integrated online system, which involves elements of regional government, provincial government and government center. how to upload data, the possibility of an error in the system, what is uploaded, how the system can reject and accept data. It is these things that allow administrative judges to involve Web experts. Digital Web forensic experts are needed in proving cases at the Administrative Court, because in my opinion it is almost impossible for an administrative judge to have good and correct knowledge of digital forensics. Web expert witnesses will shed light on an administrative case, making it easier for State Administrative judges to make decisions. The Supreme Court should hold education and training regarding online licensing, online registration, online validation carried out by the executive, and administrative judges should not hesitate to present web expert witnesses to explain an administrative case.

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