
The Provo Experiment attempts to apply sociological theory to the treatment of delinquents. Delinquency is seen primarily as a group phenomenon and the task of rehabilitation as one of changing the shared delinquent characteristics. However, treatment strategy is concerned not only with causative variables but with the total social system in which treatment must operate. The treatment system attempts to provide a type of social structure which will: (1) permit delinquents to examine the role and legitimacy of authorities in the treatment system; (2) give them the opportunity to examine the ultimate utility of conventional and delinquent alternatives for them; (3) provide the opportunity to declare publicly a belief or disbelief that they can benefit from a change in values; and (4) make peer group interaction the principal rehabilitative tool because it permits peer group decision-making and grants status and recognition, not only for participation in treatment interaction, but for willingness to help others.

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