
In these papers, I presented and explained the Potential Energy Equation "P.E.E."; this equation is about discovering how gravitation works, the cosmological facts for the Black Hole physics "B.H.", and the "B.H." primary role in the gravitational energy at both the astronomical (planets: Earth, Sun, etc.) and microscopic atomic (Protons) levels. "P.E.E." equation is uncovering a new concept for the Planck Constant and the Fine Structure, as an inhibition for the "B.H." energy and as a convertor from one type of energy to another in the "P.E.E." energies parts; this new concept is also explaining the "Attractive Mass" or "central mass" and redefining the Gravitational Potential Energy Ug ; and the Kinetic Energy as well; and it is clarifying the difference in apply between Ug and the Weak Potential Energy of mass (Attracted Mass) "Ag ". I already defined the "B.H." potential energy ( fs ) equation, the mass compressed "Np " with radius"rs " of the “B.H” equation, the mass compressing distance "rc " and the radius "rs " of the “B.H.” equation; and the gravitational and "B.H." energy equations; I have also applied these equations on astronomical and microscopic dimensions.

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