
Since starvation for carbon sources is a common condition for bacteria in nature and it can also occur in industrial fermentation processes due to mixing zones, knowledge about the response of cells to carbon starvation is beneficial. The preferred carbon source for bacilli is glucose. The response of Bacillus pumilus cells to glucose starvation using metabolic labeling and quantitative proteomics was analyzed. Glucose starvation led to an extensive reprogramming of the protein expression pattern in B. pumilus. The amounts of proteins of the central carbon metabolic pathways (glycolysis and TCC) remained stable in starving cells. Proteins for gluconeogenesis were found in higher amounts during starvation. Furthermore, many proteins involved in acquisition and usage of alternative carbon sources were present in elevated amounts in starving cells. Enzymes for fatty acid degradation and proteases and peptidases were also found in higher abundance when cells entered stationary phase. Among the proteins found in lower amounts were many enzymes involved in amino acid and nucleotide synthesis and several NRPS and PKS proteins.

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