
Exposure of encysted metacercariae of Clinostomum complanatum to UV light (254 nm) for 60 min reduced their development into adult worms in buff-backed herons (95.7% reduction in worm burden). Metacercariae that succeeded in developing into adult worms, showed low fecundity levels. Furthermore, 30% of eggs laid showed abnormal shape; however, all normal and abnormal eggs failed to hatch into miracidia. The effectiveness of UV-irradiated metacercariae as a vaccine was investigated. Compared to control unvaccinated herons, the vaccinated group showed a significantly high protection rate (73.8%) against challenge. In vitro, worm development after challenge showed decreased fecundity and increased egg abnormalities, where only 1.5% of all eggs produced hatched into miracidia. A passive haemagglutination test revealed increased antibody titres against soluble adult worm antigen in both vaccinated and vaccinated-challenged birds. It was concluded that vaccination of herons using encysted metacercariae UV-irradiated for 60 min can protect them against challenge infection.

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