
Saudi Arabia has focused recently on the protection of urban heritage which abounds in various areas. Since it has recently intensified efforts to protect the urban heritage through the establishment of many official and non-official frameworks relevant to the protection of urban heritage and work to find ways and means for the rehabilitation and development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, accompanied by the launch of several projects , conferences, workshops and the development of research centers that aim to protect the urban heritage in a serious attempt to rectify the delay in the protection and preservation. The research problem in the lack of indicators determine Are these efforts achieved their objectives or not, especially as the main beneficiary of this is the citizen. The importance of research in highlighting the role played by the agencies responsible for the protection of urban heritage and enhances its role and support to continue to perform its functions. The research aims to reach conclusions and recommendations to assist decision-makers in addressing the negatives and enhance positives regarding the protection of urban heritage and preservation of historical monuments in Saudi Arabia. The study was based on a descriptive approach to assess the size of the effort compared to the global indicators, in addition to the direct method of the survey among the citizens to evaluate and measure the actual reflection of the efforts in the protection of urban heritage, which will be felt and understood by citizens as the first beneficiary of the preservation of this heritage and development. The study found significant findings and recommendations is that the efforts that have been made are considered standard compared to the amount of time available and modern mobility and experience, but its impact on citizens and raise public awareness has not sufficiently, And that the competent authorities need other efforts to overcome the obstacles on to give the true value of this architectural heritage , which was considered a precious treasure reflects the history and culture of each city and wealth should not alienate them.

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