
The idea of using V2G units to supplement electrical energy is becoming popular with rising interests in alternative energies. However, there are several concerns on how the penetration of V2G into the electric system will impact the 21 <sup xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">st</sup> century electric distribution network. This paper investigates the potential use of V2G for reactive power compensation in the distribution network, and how this ultimately impacts the system. This research is compelling considering that reactive power compensation is beneficial for both the utility consumers and for the utilities themselves. It is even more attractive considering that the use of V2G to provide reactive power compensation preserves the V2G battery lifetime. The measure of impact is quantified by measuring how the V2G reactive power compensations can impact power losses on the distribution lines. The results indicate that using V2G to provide reactive power compensations would potentially impact electric power losses with the promise of up to 95% power loss reductions.

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