
This research aims to determine the prospects of organic nutmeg development and analyze internal and external factors of organic nutmeg development. Furthermore, it is analyzed by the formula of SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to analyze the development prospect of organic nutmeg. From the research result of development prospect of organic nutmeg which developed research area in Ngidiho Village of West Galela District of North Halmahera Regency, it is seen from biophysical aspect seeming that climate condition is very supportive, from social aspect also seems the local society are very supported the development prospect of organic nutmeg and also economic aspect one of the determinants in improving the economy of local society which also increasing the production because those are supported by aspects of the availability of agricultural facilities and experience in organic nutmeg. The result of identification by SWOT analysis of internal factors there are five strengths and five weaknesses, while on the external environmental factors there are five opportunities and five threats. The integration of IFAS 2.74 and EFAS value is 2.80. In the SWOT diagram shows that the position of organic nutmeg development located in quadrant I or strategy that is made by using all the strength to make use the opportunity of aggressive strategy that is to encourage farmers to maximize the land as the development of organic nutmeg by improving the product quality, intensification of agriculture done by doing development like giving organic fertilizer to nutmeg plants, to increase production and meet market demand.

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