
Purpose:Analysis of modern methods (theory) of composition as a priority motivation of artistic and creative thinking in the process of architectural activity. Study of the influence of the complex properties of manufacturability on the nature of the formation of composite solutions of architectural systems.Methods and materials:dialectical approach, generally accepted logical research methods (analysis, system approach, generalization) and their synthesis using relevant information materials.Results:the basic means, regularities and principles of composition that determine the features of the formation of architectural systems are established. The analysis of the action of the basic (canonical) law of architectural composition and the conditions for the formation of a holistic and unified compositional solutions. The conceptual apparatus of the category (complex property) of “manufacturability” as a subject feature of the features of manufacturing, transportation, construction and operation of the architectural system is given. The direct nature of the interaction of “canonical” types (functional, constructive, artistic and aesthetic) and technological components in the tectonic display of the properties of the architectural system is established.Conclusions:Manufacturability of architectural systems formation is an equivalent component (in relation to the constructive, functional and artistic-aesthetic components) of a single and integral compositional solution. Indicators of the complex properties of manufacturability largely determine the functional quality of architectural systems.


  • IntroductionThe architectural composition is positioned as the main method of solving problems associated with the formation of the object

  • 1.1 Canonical" representation of the composition of architectural systemsThe architectural composition is positioned as the main method of solving problems associated with the formation of the object, due to the presence of inherent and dominant conditions of the architectural environment [1;2;3;4].Architectural composition is characterized by the action of the basic law, which includes a set of specific categories, which characterize the main features and characteristics associated with the formation and functioning of the architectural object.The basic law characterizes the most essential and General connections and regularities in the composition

  • - manufacturability of transportation is the degree of approximation of the properties and indicators of the architectural system to the state corresponding to the capabilities of vehicles designed to move the manufactured structure to the place of construction; the mounting workability is the degree of approximation properties and indexes architectural systems to a condition corresponding to minimum costs: cost and manufacturability operational-is the degree of approximation of the properties and indicators of the architectural system to the state corresponding to the minimum number of costs: the cost and complexity of maintaining the established technical condition; to ensure durability; to display the established artistic and aesthetic level of the internal space; to harmonize relations with the surrounding external space

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The architectural composition is positioned as the main method of solving problems associated with the formation of the object The correlation between the form and content revealed in the composition of architectural system, as a characteristic feature of the display method of organization of the system of interaction of main elements and parts (subsystems and elements) and is determined by the unity main components: functions and designs due to artistic content and aesthetic presentation of the architectural design [6;10;11;12]. The traditional format of architectural composition (in its various forms) implies adherence to the fundamental (traditional) Canon of architecture, despite the fact that the "Vitruvius formula" assumes the interaction of quite contradictory components (formally considered, from the conditions of their equilibrium significance, despite some established sequence of their implementation)

Characteristics of the complex properties of manufacturability
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