
ABSTRACT We present the results of far-infrared spectral mapping of the Galactic center region with FIS-FTS, which covered the two massive star-forming clusters, Arches and Quintuplet. We find thattwo dust components with temperatures of about 20 K and 50 K are required to fit the overallcontinuum spectra. The warm dust emission is spatially correlated with the [O III ] 88 „ m emissionand both are likely to be associated with the two clusters, while the cool dust emission is morewidely distributed without any clear spatial correlation with the clusters. We find differences inthe properties of the ISM around the two clusters, suggesting that the star-forming activity of theArches cluster is at an earlier stage than that of the Quintuplet cluster. Key words: ISM: clouds; galaxy: center; infrared: ISM1. INTRODUCTIONThe Galactic center region is luminous in the far-infrared (FIR; » 10 9 L fl ). It is believed that theFIR luminosity is mostly attributed to K and M gi-ants on large scales (Yasuda et al., 2009; Nakagawaet al., 1995). Yet, young OB stars also exist, locallyheating the ISM in the Galactic center. For example,the Arches and Quintuplet clusters are famous massivestar-forming clusters. We show below their contribu-tion to the FIR luminosity and discuss their differencesin the FIR properties.2. OBSERVATIONSWe observed the Galactic center region that containsthe two massive star-forming young clusters, the Quin-tuplet and the Arches cluster. Fig. 1 shows the areasmapped with the SW array, overlaid on the radio 20 cmcontinuum map (Yusef-Zadeh et al., 1984). With FIS-FTS, we performed the spectral mapping of an areaof

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