
The purpose of this paper is to develop the proper directions and practical ways for Character Education in the Elementary School. To this end, this paper presents an accurate definition of Character Education so as not to create confusion in using and understanding the term, analyses the present obstructive causes of Character Education practice in our elementary schools, and suggests effective strategies for Character Education that are both practical and suitable. To develop a good character, a person has to try hard for his or her lifetime, and the circumstance he survives also has to be moral to contribute to his moral life. Schools can play a central role in this process of exertion because schools in modern society are poised to be the backbone in Character Education and thus need to propel it with apparent purpose, and effective strategies. An organic cooperation system is also needed because raising good character cannot be completed with one single element of character. It is connected with both the formal curriculum and informal curriculum. A harmonized partnership of school-home-community is urgently needed. It is the teacher who takes the very core role in this process.

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