
Cocoonase, a protein that is produced by the silkworm (Bombyx mori), is thought to specifically digest the sericin protein of the cocoon and has a high homology with trypsin. Similar to trypsin, cocoonase is folded as an inactive precursor protein which is activated by releasing the propeptide moiety. However, the mechanism responsible for the activation of its catalytic structure has not yet been determined in detail. Therefore, to investigate the activation and folding mechanism of cocoonase, recombinant cocoonase (CCN) and prococoonase (proCCN) were over-expressed in E. coli cells.Both recombinant proteins (proCCN and CCN) were expressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli cells and their folding was examined under several sets of conditions. After the refolding reactions, both of the recombinant proteins were present as the oxidized soluble forms. The proCCN protein was then auto-processed to release the propeptide region for activation. Interestingly, the CCN (CCN∗) derived from the refolded proCCN showed a much stronger protease activity than the refolded CCN from the reduced CCN in a protease assay using Bz-Arg-OEt as a substrate. In addition, the secondary structure of the refolded CCN protein was similar to that of the CCN∗ protein, as evidenced by CD measurements. These results suggest that the CCN protein becomes trapped in a molten globule-like state without the assistance of the propeptide region during the folding process. We therefore conclude that the propeptide region of CCN kinetically accelerates the folding of CCN to adopt the correct conformation of cocoonase at the final step of the folding pathway.

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