
Financial resources fraud in the banking sector is a rather socially dangerous crime, as it causes significant damage to a single bank, the entire banking system of the state, and, in general, affects the stability of the state economy. Ukraine's statistical data indicate a low effectiveness of the prosecution of such crimes. Conducted by the authors interviewing and questionnaires of bank employees, borrowers and investigators shows a high latency of these crimes, because in many cases they are committed by organized criminal groups, which often include public individuals of financial institutions, and in some cases also employees of law enforcement and other supervisory bodies. Due to the social danger and prevalence of this crime, its timely detection, investigation and disclosure is one of the priority areas for investigators. The purpose of this article is to identify the problematic issues of proof of the event of a financial resources fraud in the banking sector and to suggest ways to resolve them, which is based on the results of the analysis of the current legislation, materials of practice and scientific sources on the topic of the study. In scientific research were applied general scientific and special methods of researching (system-structural, formal-logical (dogmatic), comparative, sociological, statistical). The criminal offense is a central element of the subject of evidence. In the proof of the events of financial resources fraud, the object and subject of a criminal offense, the method of committing a crime and the circumstances of its commission are important elements, which the authors analyze in the article. As a result of the research, the authors propose a list of twenty circumstances (questions) that should be established during the investigation to prove this crime.

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