
Beginning in early 1994, UNICEF Zambia made a commitment to emphasize the use of participatory methods in conducting its business. Specifically, this has meant adopting and experimenting with a participatory methodology named VIPP (Visualization in Participatory Programmes) which had been used in a wide variety of group events, ranging from planning and review meetings to training and team building. Three years later, a process evaluation was commissioned to examine the question: How has this initiative been accepted and what effect is it having on UNICEF-supported programmes in Zambia?Employing a widely-utilized framework for evaluating training effectiveness, the evaluation team traced the history of VIPP implementation in Zambia through document reviews and interviews. In addition, the evaluators collected data from three different programme sites in Zambia where VIPP had been used. Several participatory evaluation techniques were used to conduct this evaluation, the first exercise of its kind for assessing VIPP application in Africa.Through this evaluation exercise, the evaluation team has gained knowledge about the strategic benefits and application of VIPP that will help with future planning for VIPP in Zambia and that will also inform other UNICEF offices and organizations about the experience of implementing a participatory methodology for programme and organisational purposes. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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